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Beyond Text. Arts-Based Methods for research, assessment and evaluation IND

Societat Cultural i de Teatre Alrowwad, Palestina; Universitat de Betlem, Palestina; La Nave Va, Espanya; Universitat de Tecnologia de Lappeenranta (LUT), Finlàndia; Grup d'Acció Ràpida (GAR), Finlàndia; Universitat de Tartu, Estònia i Universitat de Vic, Espanya
Fons bibliogràfic
Edat mínima: 16
Educació, Informació i documentació
Català, Anglès

Beyond Text is a collaborative international project concerned with bringing Arts-Based Methods practice research into education. The focus of the project is finding ways to support practitioners and researchers from all disciplines within universities and those professions and  organisations beyond, to use the arts to conduct high quality research, assessment and evaluation through practice. Although a significant number of cultural organisations are conducting practice-based research in the arts, it is rare to find this kind of research and reflection in other contexts; such as mainstream education, youth, social and health care, business, maths, science and engineering education.

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